Do you remember when you were a small child and used to play outside and put your fingers in the soil and simply enjoy collecting pine cones, leaves and berries and taste most of them on the spot? Since then we have begun to be afraid of getting dirty, and think we protect our offspring teaching them to be always tidy and clean. The true spirit of adventure may suffer of this as we really need this kind of interaction with the nature.
According to the research performed in Finnish Universities the children in kindergartens benefit directly for the possibility to play in the soil, especially if it is forest mulch. The scientists have organized plant boxes with forest mulch brought to the yards of concrete kindergarten yards, for children to play with, and experiment with planting forest vegetation. The results may surprise as the scientists have come to conclusions that 5 x a week for 6 weeks’ timeframe will change the microbe balance and immune defence of these children significantly for the better.
Exposing the body to natural substances like soil, mulch, leaves, shrubs, water in streams, any plants, flowers, cones, acorns, rolling in the hills, swimming in lakes and sea, in every season, makes the body stronger, healthier. Visiting the forest areas often, give also our children the chance to robust immune system and possibility to secure their future in uncertain times. It is a very welcome break to the overwhelming digital society and pollution too. Breath deep, climb over fallen trees and rocky formations, let the adventure take you mind away in creative play.
According to the research performed in Finnish Universities the children in kindergartens benefit directly for the possibility to play in the soil, especially if it is forest mulch. The scientists have organized plant boxes with forest mulch brought to the yards of concrete kindergarten yards, for children to play with, and experiment with planting forest vegetation. The results may surprise as the scientists have come to conclusions that 5 x a week for 6 weeks’ timeframe will change the microbe balance and immune defence of these children significantly for the better.
Exposing the body to natural substances like soil, mulch, leaves, shrubs, water in streams, any plants, flowers, cones, acorns, rolling in the hills, swimming in lakes and sea, in every season, makes the body stronger, healthier. Visiting the forest areas often, give also our children the chance to robust immune system and possibility to secure their future in uncertain times. It is a very welcome break to the overwhelming digital society and pollution too. Breath deep, climb over fallen trees and rocky formations, let the adventure take you mind away in creative play.
Living in touch of nature from early childhood onwards is the best gift you can possibly give to your children. Human body was created to be in touch with diversity of microbes to manage the prevention of allergies and other diseases.
Another interesting research is done on healthy children changing majority of the foods consumed to vegetarian and reducing sugar. Do it in fun way and prepare veggie foods together. This changes the microbiome in colon in just few weeks’ time for the better by increasing the beneficial bacteria in a huge way. As you might have heard, colon is considered our “second brain”, so this is no small matter.
Another interesting research is done on healthy children changing majority of the foods consumed to vegetarian and reducing sugar. Do it in fun way and prepare veggie foods together. This changes the microbiome in colon in just few weeks’ time for the better by increasing the beneficial bacteria in a huge way. As you might have heard, colon is considered our “second brain”, so this is no small matter.

All kinds of chemicals are in our mundane lives. Many of them are hidden in the daily products we use, but fortunately more natural options are available in many countries. Everything that goes to the body should be as natural as possible, skin included. So the same way we can teach our children to spend time in nature and eating vegetables which grow in healthy soil, we can do even better, to reduce the chemical load by using more natural cleaning products.